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Xbox 360 Revealed

In continuation of the Xbox 360 image, this picture was posted on Team Xbox forums of the same console, this time with more detail. As you can see, the chrome part is indeed the hard drive – labeled at 40GB! To add more fuel to the fire, the image given to us as a reward on OurColony.net seems to be a part of this picture. We’ll just have to wait just a few more weeks until we see for ourselves.

( Thanks Wolfeman! )

Update: We have received another reward on OurColony.net. This time it’s the memory card unit. Seems that the next Xbox will use a 64MB card instead of the current 8MB.

Update #2: Thanks to some investigative reporting by Playfeed Editor Jesse, he has confirmed the images with his sources and the memory card - stating that Microsoft has just upped the memory card up to 64MB.

View High Res Image


Gallery: The Real Xbox 360 At Long Last? Pt 2


Xbox 360

Thanks to everyone who sent this in. Looks like this is the final (or as close to the final as we are going to get) design of the Xbox 360 video game console. Concave in the middle, like we expected. Also has a platform which appears to allow it to stand on its side. Interestingly enough, there are two memory card slots on the front, a power button, an eject button, and some other button. There is a mystery port on the left, and what could possibly be a hard drive port on the right. Thoughts?

(Thanks gotkian!)

Gallery: The Real Xbox 360 At Long Last?

Xbox 2/360 MTV Ad

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Xbox 360,

Xbox 2/360 MTV Ad

Tabwin.com has the new Xbox 2/360 MTV Ad on their “In Construction” page. Using some video editing effects, the commercial is definitely cool - the video brings goose bumps just watching the teaser. You will need Quicktime to view it. Check it out and tell us what you think.

View The Video | Xbox 2/360 MTV Ad via Tabwin.com

Gallery: Xbox 2/360 MTV Ad

OurColony.net 4/20/05 Reward

The latest challenge from OurColony.net gave us an image of what looks to be a console as a reward. It is very possible this could be the next generation gaming console from Microsoft judging from what we already know of what they want to do with it. Let’s analyze the picture.

Click to continue reading Another Piece Of the Xbox 360 Puzzle

Gallery: Another Piece Of the Xbox 360 Puzzle

MTV Xbox 360 “MTV Presents: The Next Generation Xbox Revealed” will be broadcast around the world. Local market times are as follows:

North America: Thursday, May 12, at 9:30 p.m. (21:30)

Japan/Asia: Friday, May 13, at 11:30

Europe: France: Friday, May 13, at 19:00

Germany: Friday, May 13, at 19:00

Italy: Friday, May 13, at 23:30

Netherlands: Friday, May 13, at 19:30

Poland: Friday, May 13, at 21:00

Portugal: Friday, May 13, at 20:00

Romania: Friday, May 13, at 20:00

Scandinavia: Friday, May 13, at 22:00

Spain: Friday, May 13, at 21:30

U.K.: Friday, May 13, at 20:00

Australia: Friday, May 13, at 19:00

Gallery: Showtimes for MTV Xbox 2/360 Special

Xbox 2/360 MTV Microsoft has finally made all the details about their upcoming Xbox 2/360 reveal on MTV public knowledge. Hosted by Elijah Wood and The Killers, MTV Presents: The Next Generation Xbox Revealed will be a 30-minute special focused on the next generation Xbox. Microsoft is aiming big on this one, as the show will air on MTV channels in the US, Asia, and Europe all within 24 hours - an industry first. The MTV website will continue providing Xbox 2/360 coverage after the show airs, and let’s be honest, a commercial-laden 30 minute show which also features a performance or two by The Killers isn’t going to provide a whole lot of depth as far as the Xbox 360 goes. Check out the full press release after the jump.

Click to continue reading Xbox 2/360 To Be Revealed On MTV

Gallery: Xbox 2/360 To Be Revealed On MTV
